This demo shows a web page's loading behavior and speed,
comparing a regular render-blocking website (reference) with an equal stream-prepared
To begin, select the speed and layout of the test, then press "Test."
The source code of the used web page,, was provided free of charge
and without conditions.
Important: if you experience vastly different results loading the page a second time, please
check that your browser respects no-store caching headers.
What to Expect
The streamed web page loads faster at slower network speeds, but the time difference gets
proportionally smaller with increased speeds.
Network Bandwidth
The following network speed is limited on the server side via Wondershaper.
All selected versions of the web page will be loaded at this speed.
Comparison Layout
This setting determines how the page/pages will be loaded or displayed
The modern web is historically based on files, which are transferred via HTTP
HTTP was optimized multiple times over the last 30+ years to allow for faster content
and code transfer and is now based on streams
The content and code optimization did not match the protocol evolution, causing
slow-loading web pages and unexploited potential for improving loading speed
Issue Impact
Slow-loading web pages have a significant negative economic impact [1] and are disliked by users [2]
Web pages get continuously larger, but not faster
In early HTTP versions (0.9, 1.0, partially 1.1), multiple requests to resources such as
images or code caused additional delay, as a TCP handshake was required for every
As a result, resources were combined to reduce the number of requests, called bundles
Current HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 features, such as streams, are rarely used to transfer content
and code efficiently [4]
bundling is still popular today, as Webpack uses bundling
Webpack is the base bundler for popular front-end frameworks such as React, Angular, or
Content vs. Protocol
HTTP/1.1 was the prevalent standard for 18 years (1997 - 2015)
At this time, bundling was a valid option to reduce requests and improve the loading
However, with HTTP/2 and HTTP/3, bundling is now harming loading speed due to the
reduced overhead of individual requests
Bundling is an anti-pattern in HTTP/2
"In HTTP/2, [bundling] will end up impacting the download-time of other resources as
well, because of the way HTTP/2 works.”
Using the streaming capability of HTTP/2 & 3 to transfer many individual chunks to the
client instead of one large bundle
Split all render-blocking resources (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) into small,
non-render-blocking chunks
Due to the streaming and rendering capabilities of modern browsers: render a page while
chunks are received by the browser (progressive loading, see demo)
This decreases loading times, as the first chunks will be rendered, independent of the
final page size
Splitting is non-trivial. Three major challenges need to be solved in order to fully
implement splitting:
Challenge 1: Content usage detection
Also known as dead code detection, it is required to detect where to split the code
Solved for CSS with node matching, open challenge for JavaScript [6]
Challenge 2: Code usage location
To order the chunks into the correct sequence (top to bottom), the location of where CSS
and JavaScript code is modifying the DOM is required
Possible for CSS with Critical, open challenge for JavaScript [6]
Challenge 3: Code usage location
Transferring a web page as a sequence of chunks to the client via streams and producing
a valid HTML structure
Nah, Fiona Fui-Hoon. "A study on tolerable waiting time: how long are web
users willing to wait?." Behaviour & Information Technology 23.3 (2004): 153-163.
Lucas Vogel and Thomas Springer. 2022. An In-Depth Analysis of Web Page
Structure and Efficiency with Focus on Optimization Potential for Initial Page Load. In
International Conference on Web Engineering. Springer, Bari, 101–116
Lucas Vogel, Thomas Springer and Matthias Wählisch. 2024. From Files to
Streams: Revisiting Web Historyand Exploring Potentials for Future Prospects. In
Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2024 (WWW '24 Companion). Association
for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA,
This video shows a direct comparison between a normal and a streamed web page. It is the demo in
video form.
The video provided is hosted on YouTube. You can either watch it here (will be embedded
after consent) or visit YouTube via the button below.
If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate and contact me.
If you want to contact me on LinkedIn: Just send me a message request and I will answer you
as soon as possible.
As required by German law, the contact address is as follows:
Lucas Vogel
Technische Universität Dresden
01069 Dresden
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